There are nearly 8,000 kids in Colorado and nearly 800 kids in Wyoming who live with epilepsy.
That means, if you have epilepsy, you are not alone. It’s not always easy to live with this condition, but connecting with other kids who know what you’re going through can help.
We offer a variety of programs to get involved with, including summer camp, Youth Council, and a support group just for teens 13+. For more information about how you can get involved, please contact Marissa Cardenas at or call 303-660-3016.

Summer Camp
Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado & Wyoming Summer Camps provide opportunities for children and teens whose lives are impacted by epilepsy to build confidence, make new friends, and have fun. Our summer camps fuel kids with the knowledge that they are not alone on their epilepsy journey. Connecting with other campers fosters resiliency, joy, and a sense of belonging.
“I’m one of the pediatric epilepsy doctors at Children’s Hospital of Colorado and was asked to speak to the patients in an Ask the Doctor session at camp. It was a great experience answering the kids and teens questions which ranged from driving to whether they could skydive or scuba in the future. It was also wonderful meeting the kids in a non-threatening environment where they could truly feel free to ask their doctor a question on the meaning of epilepsy to them and not to their parents’ concerns. It brought me back to why I went into medicine in the first place; to make a lasting effect on a patient’s life and to provide education and comfort to others.”
– Susan Koh, MD, Associate Chief of Clinical Services, Child Neurology, Children’s Hospital
Youth Leadership Opportunities
Youth living with epilepsy who become involved in leadership can give back to the epilepsy community while having many wonderful opportunities. Kids who participate in our leadership programs develop important life skills, gain confidence, become advocates, and engage with others who are living with epilepsy.
Youth Council
Youth Council is for teens/young adults ages 11-22 who have been diagnosed with epilepsy or are a sibling or a child of a person who has been diagnosed with epilepsy. If you are compelled to make a difference and speak out about epilepsy, this could be the opportunity for you!
Teens Speak Up!
Teens Speak Up! is one of our centerpiece advocacy initiatives. Every-other year, one accomplished teen and their parent or caregiver is selected to join over 150 other advocates from around the nation, including Epilepsy Foundation staff, parents, teens, doctors, and volunteers, in Washington DC to speak with Congress and share their stories of living with epilepsy.
Teens Speak Up! provides an opportunity for teens with epilepsy and their parents to visit the nation’s capital, receive advocacy training, meet with their legislators, and tell their personal stories.
Teens are nominated by Foundation staff and selected by the National Epilepsy Foundation to participate in the program. After receiving training at TSU, each teen turns that into action back home through the Year of Service program. If your teen is interested in learning more, please contact us! Learn more about recent TSU events here.