“Seizure Safe” Schools
Governor Jared Polis signed HB21-1133: K-12 Seizure Training & Individual Action Plans, aka “Joey’s Law,” into law on May 28, 2021. Effective November 2021, the law requires at least one staff person at each public school in Colorado to be trained in the recognition of seizure disorders and seizure first aid.
If a student has a diagnosed seizure disorder that might require medical intervention, the student’s parent or legal guardian will be encouraged to submit a seizure action plan to the school, and the school will be required to have at least one employee who is properly trained to administer seizure treatment medications and other related interventions.
Non-public schools are encouraged to provide training and to have designated staff to administer seizure related interventions.

The Colorado Department of Education has created guidance for school nurses and a resources page for school personnel and nurses.
The Epilepsy Foundation of America has developed on demand virtual training sessions for school personnel and school nurses.
School Nurses
Seizure Training for School Nurses: Caring for Students is a program designed to provide the school nurse with information, strategies, and resources that will enable him/her to better manage the student with seizures by:
- Supporting positive treatment outcomes,
- Maximizing educational and developmental opportunities and
- Ensuring a safe and supportive environment.
- The program consists of seven modules to assist the school nurse in learning to effectively manage seizures in a school environment.
Seizure Training for School Nurses: Caring for Students with Psychogenic Seizures (PNES) is a program designed to provide the school nurse with information and resources to gain a better understanding of caring for students with psychogenic seizures. By the end of this course, participants will have tools and knowledge to help children and youth with PNES.
The program consists of four modules to assist the school nurse in learning to effectively care for students with psychogenic seizures.
Seizure Training for School Nurses: Using Rescue Therapies in Epilepsy Care is a program designed to provide the school nurse with information and resources to gain a better understanding of rescue therapies for seizures. By the end of this course, participants will gain the knowledge, skills and confidence in using rescue therapies for children with epilepsy to support them in a school setting.
The program consists of four modules to assist the school nurse in learning to effectively use rescue therapies in epilepsy care
School Personnel
The School Personnel Training provides school staff with information about epilepsy, seizures, seizure first aid, and the effects epilepsy can have on the child as a whole.
Learn more about how to support students with epilepsy on the Schools and Seizure Preparedness page.
Seizure Safe School Materials
Seizure Observation Record
This form should be completed by school personnel after witnessing a seizure and/or medication side effects.
Seizure Action Plan
To be completed by the team including the nurse, school personnel, parent, and neurologist. The Seizure Action Plan ensures accurate documentation and communication about the child-specific seizure first aid protocol. It is intended to be completed at the beginning of the school year, when a change in health status occurs, or upon diagnosis.
These short videos can be a great educational tool to share with classmates and other school staff.
Seizures and you: Take Charge of the Storm Jr (Elementary School Video)
Seizures and You: Take Charge of the Facts (High School Video)
Stay Safe Side: Michael’s Basketball Team Learns Seizure First Aid